It all started on a freezing cold night in Iowa City, Ia back in October of 2003. There a young man disguised as Alf from the planet Malmack who has an affinity towards cats happened upon a Spanish dancer who apparently doesn't look before crossing busy intersections. Hence forth these two star crossed lovers found that they both had a liking for homemade costumes to adorn themselves with once a year. So, for your viewing pleasure here are some of their previous costume en devours beginning with its earliest form. Happy Anniversary Boo!

Alf and Hoagie '03 the Spanish Dancer has yet to appear

Bath Buddies, resourcefulness at it's best '04,
night 1.

Indiana and Marion, obviously
night 2

Lamo, no costumes '05

Ahh Dwight K. Shrute and the gang from The Office '06

Great Scott!!! Doc Brown and Marty McFly, need I say more.
Next year??????????
I see by your costumes you are a little stuck in the 80's... Alf, Indiana Jones, and this year Doc. Even your costume from the Office references Return of the Jedi (an 80's movie). Might be time to shake things up next year... move on to the 90's... Vanilla Ice, Brandon from 90201 or Hannibal Lecter. Maybe we can disccuss more ideas on our camping trip this summer while relaxing in a nice cool waterfall.
Brad, you've given me a brilliant idea. Perhaps you're right and I am living in the 80's with our Halloween attire, maybe next year I'll be Earl Sinclair from the hit series during the early 90's "Dinosaurs." We'll chat later.
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