Here's the deal, I was really pissed off when Gorebot won the Nobel Peace Prize making An Inaccurate Truth...however, that's another rant for another time. Mr. Gore's insight has spurred me on to nonetheless ponder our global crisis. Yes we have a problem with pollution and yes we as the human race, The Inuits aside, are a wasteful species. However, I pose the question, would the effects of global warming really be as bad as everyone makes it out to be?
Let me simplify this for you...raking. The pictures you are about to see are after the THIRD time raking our yard. If you do the math just on this last raking, there were 20, 30 galloon bags with 2 garbage cans which gives us an estimated 500 plus gallons of LEAVES on the THIRD raking.
My solution...you guessed it, to keep driving my fossil fuel guzzling truck, not recycling and flushing the toilet at least TWICE after I urinate. WHY you ask, this way the Earth will warm to such a temperature that those in the Chicago land area, namely me and my boo will never have to rake AGAIN!!! Do you realize how much of a pain in the rear it is to not only rake and mulch and rake and mulch and rake again it is and furthermore to place handful upon handful of leaves into a brown paper bag that continuously rips...well I do, and the situation stinks! So here's to not raking leaves in '08 and flushing unnecessarily, can't wait til summer!